jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

Argumentative text

The secret to lose weight is to have a well balanced diet and change all your habits.

I’ve done lots of diets, some worked, others didn’t. Therefore, I was in the yo–yo effect that consists of losing weight (not all you’d like to) and gaining at the end all the lost weight and even worse.
Last Thursday I was listening on the radio a program where the host was interviewing a nutriotionist and she was saying that if any one would like to lose weight they had to change their way to think because it’s not only the losing, it’s also the fact and the will in changing the life and the way of eat, your alimentation.
I’m agree with her. You can´t hink I need to lose 30 pounds because, I wanna look good, You have to accept that first is your health and then the image. Because you’re not going to look like a model, then in the mean while, all your body is suffering.

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