jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

Expository Text

Creatures Clone Selves in Face of Danger

This is an expositive text because using the concept given in the class by teacher Lunar, an expositive text is a text modality and it’s function is to develop a topic in a objective, clear, precise way to understand it easily.

Using this concept, the text about the sand dollar larvae explains how this creature survives in the wild animal kingdom cloning itself guarantying it’s existence.

The text is easy to comprehend and the writer makes it simple, that’s the objective of the expositive texts: To write something so anyone who read it can understand it, even if it has a technical language

My learning process

This was the first time I was attending the English course because I had passed the other two courses, by doing the proficiency test. The last one I missed it because I had to choose to go to the UCAB to do this test or to go with my mom to a very important party where she was going to be upgraded. I chose to go with my mother.

My learning process this semester has improved a lot because I had lots of difficulties specially writing texts. In addtition to this, also, I have practiced my oral qualities by reading or just talking to the teacher.

Descriptive text

My picture is about a guy who is holding some stuff like where you keep and save pictures of your family. He is wearing a full suit with a tie and a vest. he has black hair and he’s showing his thumb up, letting us see that he agrees with whatever the paper has or says.

Perhaps, the paper could be also a quantity of bills that he’s showing to someone, maybe to a client , maybe to a friend, but in my opinion whatever he’s holding is making him happy.

My picture has no color, it’s black and white. That’s why I can’t say what color the full suit of the man in the picture has or if he’s a Latin, European or American man.

My character looks thin and shaved, like a very healthy man.

Argumentative text

The secret to lose weight is to have a well balanced diet and change all your habits.

I’ve done lots of diets, some worked, others didn’t. Therefore, I was in the yo–yo effect that consists of losing weight (not all you’d like to) and gaining at the end all the lost weight and even worse.
Last Thursday I was listening on the radio a program where the host was interviewing a nutriotionist and she was saying that if any one would like to lose weight they had to change their way to think because it’s not only the losing, it’s also the fact and the will in changing the life and the way of eat, your alimentation.
I’m agree with her. You can´t hink I need to lose 30 pounds because, I wanna look good, You have to accept that first is your health and then the image. Because you’re not going to look like a model, then in the mean while, all your body is suffering.

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009

Narrative text

St John Bosco

Giovanni Melchior Bosco (or Don Bosco) was born in I Becchi on august 16th 1815 in a very poor family. He lost his father when he was a little older than 2 years old; his mother, Margaret Bosco, had to take the leading place of the family. John learned to read and write with the priest of a near village, Calosso, although the lessons were few, he had a retentive that impressed the priest, but Jhon’s brother Anthony used to unregard him and called him to the field remembering John he was a shepherd.

When he was 20 years old, he went to the seminary and after four years of study he was ordained priest on the Eve of Trinity Sunday By Archbishop Franzoni of Turin. Turin was the place where John found what he was meant to be, his reason to live or to die for, the rescue of the unfortunate young men of the evil in the world.

He decided to found an institution called The Oratory where the youth could spend hours singing, dancing, eating and learning something good for their spirit, away form robbery, violence, drugs and alcohol. It wasn’t easy for Don Bosco, too many obstacles, the people used to complain saying that only the presence of the Oratory, the screams, the happiness disturbed their peace and tranquility.

Don Bosco died on January 31st. Along with his sons and all the people who loved him and he built stone by stone the sanctuary to Our Lady, Help of Christians and the Salesian Society, which is all over the world.